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What to Do if There’s a Beehive in Your Backyard

Although they won’t cause any harm if left alone, a beehive in your backyard can present a serious problem for you.

Just imagine how intrusive it could be – you may not be able to sunbathe freely when if the sun’s out and the weather is scorching hot, play outdoor activities as a family, or even maintain the appearance of your garden.

Why? Because if the hive feels threatened at any point, they won’t hesitate to attack and protect their territory. So, that could mean at least 10,000 bees trying to warn you off, although there may be many more than that in the actual hive. You see, hives immerse themselves into walls and trees, so may be much larger than what you can see.

Moreover, the key is to remove the hive safely for both you, and the bees. You don’t want to be stung, and the bee’s population doesn’t need to be reduced any further than it already is. Here are some tips to help you out:


1)Stay well away if you’re allergic


If you’re allergic to bee stings, you want to ensure that you’re as far away from the hive at all times. It’s hard to determine when a bee might become aggressive, and if it does, a sting from one could cause severe health issues. For instance, your allergy to the venom will swell your throat and lips up, which will subsequently restrict your ability to breathe properly. It’s better to be safe than sorry, so skip to tip 4!

2) Let the bees pollinate your flowers




To be honest, if the bees aren’t causing any immediate disruption, you may benefit from them pollinating your flowers and spreading goodness. Although, you obviously won’t want them to make your backyard their permanent residence, so you will have to take action at some point. Just keep an eye on it, keep pets and those with allergies away, and plan a strategy to remove it.


3) Find out where it’s located


Before you can do anything, you’re going to have to find out where it’s located. There’s no good hearing ‘Buzz, Buzzzz, Buzzzzzzz’, if you can’t pinpoint where it’s coming from. But, once you’ve established where the hive is situated, you can then watch it from afar and ensure it doesn’t spread into your home. Plus, the process will be easier if you decide to follow tip 4.



We strongly urge you to seek a specialist service if you do discover a beehive in your backyard. Trying to resolve the situation in the best possible way isn’t a viable option unless you’ve had an adequate level of training. If you haven’t, you may harm the bees, cause them to spread, or harm yourself. So, seek a local company that can deal with the hive efficiently and thoroughly instead of worrying about it.

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